
Cacería / Ednodio Quintero


He remains stretched out on his back, on the narrow wooden bed. With his eyes barely open he searches the strange lines on the ceiling for the beginning of a path that might lead him away from his pursuer. For nights on end he’s endured the harassment, crossing plains full of venomous weeds, wading through rivers of crushed glass, crossing bridges as fragile as crackers. When the pursuer is about to reach him, when he feels him so that close his breath burns the nape of his neck, he thrashes around in bed like a rooster slashed with a spur to his heart. This is when the pursuer stops and leans against a tree to rest, patiently waiting for the victim to close his eyes so he can resume the hunt.

{ Ednodio Quintero, Ceremonias, Barcelona, España: Editorial Candaya, 2013 }

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