
Mi cuerpo desabrochándose me sosiega / Ana Lucía De Bastos

My Body Coming Undone Brings Me Calm

There are strong voices and texts (fabrics, continuities of words and meanings) that stun me: faced with language I’m a trembling leaf, devoted. Words reach me through my natural inclination towards their truth. In a certain space of my body
—why should I say superfluous, if I don’t know where they hide— they have an impact and bend my speech, which is another way of saying my skin.

Within the madding crowd, you’ll find true speech, language turned outward, silent entrails that are Meaning and allow the world, with all its weight, to keep spinning in emptiness.

I live to read those words. To write one of them, I give my eyes, my ears and my voice.

{ Ana Lucía De Bastos, Y ahora extiéndeme al sol, Caracas: Bid & Co. Editor, 2014 }

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