
Pez-Girasol / Graciela Bonnet


You come from the night, in the middle of sleep, you say you’re a sunflower fish that emerges displaying a tail of sand, the tip of the fin, which is also a petal, which is also a leaf.
You come from the other side of the room, which at dawn is an infinite space, a desert like you’ve never seen before, complete desolation, the glare of closed eyelids, the sheets are superimposed solid doors closed to that other reality, the one that comes from sleep, turning in thousands of superimposed images, while you say you’re the sunflower fish buried in the sand in the back yard, amid the tilled dirt waiting for seeds, dampened so it’ll explode in a thicket of leaves.
It doesn’t matter anymore what was hidden behind those doors of memory, it doesn’t exist. If you finally open them, there’ll be nothing hidden, so nothing will be able to hurt you.
And tomorrow when the sun rises we’ll pray the waves in the patio, to the ones that pass over our heads, very high up there, lowered by the wind, the ones swimming backwards, fleeing through the clouds, sunflower fish, until the glare of the sun, until eyes closed, until never again.

{ Graciela Bonnet, Libretas doradas, lápices de carbón, Caracas: Lector Cómplice, 2014 }

1 comment:

  1. Than you Guillermo Parra. Only a poet can see the real words in a poetry.
