
Sanctus est este mierdero panorama / Diego Sequera

Sanctus est this shit storm panorama

We’re the respectability generation.
We’re the middle class generation.


Sanctus est this shit storm panorama
of all the saints and hortalis ruficaudas
and of the twin turkey vulture of the holy ghost
Oh sacred dovecote that identifies us!
Bird as pure and dirty as shit!
don’t you all know the word Nation
is an abstract animal?
Shit roses for this promising pit of ferment!
You, dirty pigeons, you definitely know
that unfortunately being a moron is a right
(a fuckin’ democratic right)
All of you, who keep up to date
on how to bring up the baby of the family
will you let this sacred dump be stylized for you?
to be shit mud forged in the pre birth
Oh Plato, little Plato, such a whiner, so brilliant, so minuscule!
The man of shit has been proposed in opposition to the one of clay
Where they mark scribbles instead of traces
Where we are rigorously granted
the prestige of belonging
to the ovens of family warmth
to the most compact and solidified generation
of shit
(guano from the sky, guano from God)

We’re the most compact generation of shit

{ Diego Sequera, Poemas irresponsables, Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana, 2011 }

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