
Slint's 1987 LP Tweez gets better with each listen. Good noise out of Kentucky and Illinois in the late 1980s/early 1990s.


Tomorrow I hope to post an interview I did (over mail) with Frank Lima several years ago, and which has remained unpublished. All his poems are brilliant, but his recent work in 6x6 #5 has particularly interested me, the "autobiography of touch" that he writes.


I have not read the Colombian novelist Fernando Vallejo, who won the Premio Romulo Gallegos in Venezuela last year. I did see the film version of his book La virgen de los sicarios (1994) on cable recently and was impressed. Vallejo seems to be asking: how does one live a daily disaster?


"Si cae -digo, es un decir- si cae
España, de la tierra para abajo,
niños, ¡cómo vais a cesar de crecer!"

{César Vallejo, España, aparta de mí este cáliz, 1937}


Carl's excellent pettycoat relaxer is always in the house.


Samuel P. Huntington's new book should really be called, Xenophobia, or, The Mexicans Are Taking Over.


commonwealth eve
w/ my city reprieved
formal in our worn
talk an affair of light
while a grove's learned
form repeated a sound
for you this time, we
carried the diagram
the tweeze dense too
disc of Kentucky drawn
matter w/ guitar turn
up its reverb, louder
amp for smallest room
listening university
eyes water in Florida
Georgia even winter's
great to / as she spoke

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