
Oraciones para un dios ausente / Martha Kornblith

te abres al fin,
fugaz como un beso
sembrado en la oscuridad,
esa forma de anticipar
frases que tienen que ver
con el tiempo.
Converge en ti esa sabiduría triste
(acuso una melancolía sola),
tienes esa manera ilustre de aparecer
sumido en el intertexto,
pero es preciso demorar
este poemario del tiempo,
impecable llegaste al fin
(tu discurso espera, ávido de horas).


you finally open,
quick as a kiss
planted in darkness,
that way of anticipating
phrases that have to do
with time.
That sad knowledge converges in you
(I accuse a lone melancholy),
you have that illustrious manner of appearing
submerged in the intertext,
but it's crucial to delay
these verses on time,
you reached the end impeccably
(your discourse awaits, avid for hours).

Translator's note: Martha Kornblith was born in Lima, Peru in 1959 and died in Caracas in 1997. She attended the Universidad Central de Venezuela in the 1990s and was a member of the literary group Eclepsidra. Her second collection was published posthumously as El perdedor se lo lleva todo, Caracas: Editorial Pequeña Venecia, 1997.

Kornblith's poems have appeared in several anthologies, including Antología de la poesía latinoamericana del siglo XXI, ed. Julio Ortega, México DF: Siglo Veintinuo Editores, 1997.

{ Martha Kornblith, Oraciones para un dios ausente, Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores, 1995 }

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