
Moleskine Drafts

“Didn’t really drop that way
My beats were too evil”

Cricket worship
after the paths
fireflies bleating
in summer
breaks, summary
lineages, a roof
over the river
blown husks of earth
fast potions


As rainclouds bunch
at the edge of
mountain outlines,
a recurring mist
pulls the green
from the ground

Rain pulled down
after the day’s
cement has dried
wearing future eyes


Automated writing
finds a measure of limits
from dusk to East
warring factions after
lunch, memorable rice
& chicken in tomato


The glide of the bigger
birds that spread in
circles or loops of
flight, better shapes

What does
poetry matter, when
do records carry our
sound beyond forfeit?


The sweetness of air
moments before the
rain swells the leaves
to flutter resorts


The sky is a
ceiling of branches
at the corner
of the road into
town, two ancient
trees whose arms
fan out in a ribbed
pattern above us
so the sky is only
leaves and limbs


Wind plays the branches
chills the limbs / white
& blue through the gaps
afterward calm a steady
fissure, forest-wide
pensamiento, elongated
minutes, what songs
step into my head
the word “concientización”


The birds seem black
with an electric coat
of blue, the wind now
bleeds my script onto
the page when I run
after a loose pamphlet
moving across pine
needles, the trunks are
a city and the birds
wear clouds trailing
above, single fixation
the trees I listen to


The diligence of these lines
(though I thought to
write “lies,” almost)
these mountains to the
south wearing white
puffs in the early
morning, who by noon
wore a dark hood
from which the lines
of rain could be glimpsed
drawn into the earth
or pulling rain into
the clouds, forward
& backward goes the
loop, as the closing
guitar on “Dominoes”
makes beautiful sense
both ways at once


This is practice in
sociology, the passing
from day to minutes,
squalor and ignorance
because of historical
and material conditions
a dry landscape whose
reddish clay is stuffed
with rocks and settled
archipelagos of lava

(May 2008)

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