
Translations of Juan Sánchez Peláez

In 1959, Juan Sánchez Peláez (1922-2003) published his second book of poems Animal de costumbre, in an edition that included artwork by his friend the painter Mateo Manaure. The book is a sequence of 26 poems, many of which were written while he was living in Paris. The translation supplement for The Brooklyn Rail, InTranslation, has just published my English versions of 11 poems from Animal de costumbre in its December 2009 issue: Excerpts from Creature of Habit.

postcard above was printed for the IX Semana Internacional de la Poesía in Caracas in November 2001, which was dedicated to Sánchez Peláez. The photograph was taken in Caracas in 1990 by his friend the poet and photographer Enrique Hernández-D’Jesús. The inscription on the postcard is an excerpt from a poem by Sánchez Peláez: “Alguien pregunta por alguien que desapareció y que sin embargo está a nuestro lado.” [“Someone asks for someone who disappeared and who is nonetheless here beside us.”]

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