
El canto anhelante / José Antonio Ramos Sucre

The Longing Canto

The castle surges at the edge of the shore. A wide space dominates, in the manner of the lion posed in front of the ambiguous desert. The pirate ship trembles at the foot of the wall with the rhythm of the wave.
     The brusque and momentaneous flight of the breeze reminds me of drowsy birds. The moon rises, pale and solemn, like the victim of an ordeal.
     With the late hour and the limpid landscape the captive’s nostalgia awakens and the soldier hurts himself. A strange and undulating music moves us to tears. It would be countered with rude accents, with the bitterness of irritated complaints by an anxious canticle that has the direct impetus of the arrow fired against an eagle.

La torre de Timón (1925)

{ José Antonio Ramos Sucre, Obra completa, Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1989 }

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