
El mito versiforme / José Antonio Ramos Sucre

The Multiform Myth

Illusory shadows frequent the palace of Helen and disappear furtively from her critical glance. They emit casual voices and provoke unhappy memories.
     Helen laments having traversed untouched the flames of ruined Troy and promises herself troubles and reprimands when she settles in her home again. She guesses in the physiognomy of women a vestige of weeping, her thought on the irreparable absence of native youth. A black eagle circumscribes its flight over the royal house and awakens in memory the presage of Iphigenia’s sacrifice.
     Helen grows confused when she judges the imagined fables in her disgrace for the versatile Greeks. She appears hidden in the kingdom of the Egyptians and tributary of its singular cult or captive of the specter of Achilles, at the theft of the true sun, amid aerial figures.
     The Greeks are not able to clarify the portent of Helen. Her ghost visits the mind of Aeneas, the most noble of contemporary leaders, and she seconds him on the road of apotheosis.

El cielo de esmalte (1929)

{ José Antonio Ramos Sucre, Obra completa, Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1989 }

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