
Hesperia / José Antonio Ramos Sucre


The priest refers to prehistoric events. He describes a continent ruled by initiated monarchs, with venerable pretensions and sumptuous tiaras, and how they provoked the cataclysm where they were lost, in rebellion against the invulnerable numens.
     The priest confessed himself an heir of the melancholy wisdom and treasured by him and those of his lineage.
     He was inferring blows from the faces of frenetic panthers. He was facing the authority of the lions and tarnishing their crown. He was glimpsing, from his observatory, the sky sparkling by means of a steel mechanism.
     He busied himself facilitating my return trip. His galley with twenty oars per side was crossing, to the sound of a fife, the green waved gulf.
     I returned to the heart of my people to celebrate with them the ceremony of an enduring separation.
     The morning’s beauty was sharpening the feeling of departure.
     I had to follow the advice of the priest interested in my happiness, forever, in the peninsula of the assiduous spring.

Las formas del fuego (1929)

{ José Antonio Ramos Sucre, Obra completa, Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1989 }

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