
Victoria / Miguel James


I who never work and never want to work
who always look at everyone as equals
who was born with star
who having arrived somewhere want to set up my tent there
who am received ahead of time and praised by the most sagacious
who drunkenly walk the streets
who have laughed at so many things on earth
who am the son of the Eternal Father
who could care less about the masters of belles lettres
who fall upright
who have kept on chatting with everyone
who am innocent
who through mountains, avenues and seas guide the rudder of my ships
who dance Limbo
who always find someone to sustain me
who know the pretenders
who never stop moving
who hear voices in the Pub (I know it’s Chiqui pretending to be Isa
or Isa pretending to be Chiqui)
who dwell in India
who return all loves a hundredfold
who traverse the entire city
who let no one sweep me away
who have personality
who sing all day
who have been admitted to the warrior initiations
who do everything for my people
who am Spear-Tongue-Light of the Nation
who escape from the asylums
who reject no one for being beautiful
who got married, had a son and go to Africa to drown in sun
who recognize facts
who know my history
who am sharp and sharper than hunger
who am delirious in the plazas
who cry whenever I feel like it
who receive everything on time
who rest, go into combat and rest again
who await the return of Ras Tafari
who feel then exist
who have beautiful light
who have lived ten years in the same ghetto
who know I am chosen
who let others strangle themselves with their ties
who found my soul
who am a great-grandson of Du, know my back and am in ecstasy before my image in mirrors, I warn you I don’t plan on being like this my whole life, mocking God, the Host and the Holy Virgin.

Mi novia Ítala come flores (1988)

{ Miguel James, Mi novia Ítala come flores y otras novias, Mérida: Ediciones Mucuglifo, 2007 }


ccg said...

épale, guillermo. mira, ¿ese "I" no está de más en el 4to verso?

un abrazo,


Guillermo Parra said...

Oye, parece que sí. Gracias por notarlo, pana! Ahorita lo cambio.

ccg said...

de nada, gracias a ti por tu trabajo.