
Y me suspendía en la inmortalidad / Francisco Pérez Perdomo

And would suspend me in immortality

I never knew what that was.
It seems like an ecstasy.
I never knew.
It began to take over my forces.
It threw me to the ground
and would make me feel the rumor of the firmament.
It would make me intemporal.
I would let it happen.
It would envelop me with its layers of fire.
At the same time it would make me delirious and suffer.
It came from the depths within me
and it would run through me, lighting me up.
It was my vigil and my dream.
It would bring its luminous face near
in the intensity of the shadows.
With open eyes I would see it pass by.
It was like a painted sky.
That’s what it was. A meteor. An errant light
in the darkness.
It would stop the gust of time for instants
and would suspend me in immortality.

{ Francisco Pérez Perdomo, El límite infinito, Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores, 1997 }

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