
Ya no hay palabras / Guillermo Sucre

There are no more words

There are no more words that aren’t the last.
We can invoke the gods but we’ll never befriend them.
We haven’t known how to name the world and we barely
     talk with equivocal sounds.
The word is a parabola that never closes; we haven’t
     glimpsed the horizon to extend it.
The bow used to break with our mere impulse.

La vastedad (1988)

{ Guillermo Sucre, Conversación con la intemperie. Seis poetas venezolanos, selección y prólogo de Gustavo Guerrero, Barcelona, España: Galaxia Gutenberg/Círculo de Lectores, 2008 }


Boludo Tejano said...

Guillermo, I wager you have never gotten such an off-the-wall question, but here goes. When I was in Venezuela, I bought a book written by a Venezuelan academic who was an immigrant from Italy- or her parents were. [I met quite a few Italian immigrants in Venezuela- including a hotel owner in La Puerta who turned out to be the uncle of a law student of Gringo/Ven extraction I met years later at UT.]

The book attempted to prove that there was a connection between the Etruscans in ancient Italy and the Quechua in the Andes.[Iman su tiki? Julio Cesar]. IIRC, according to the book the Etruscans were supposed to have migrated to Peru and become the Quechua. Though how the logistics of such a trip were supposed to have gone, I don't recall. I read the book, but lost track of it years ago. I recall her stating that the word for "hand" in Etruscan and Quechua was the same- maq/mak.

[I checked an online Quechua/Spanish dictionary, and it turns out that "maki" in Quechua is "mano" in Spanish. So at least that decades-old memory is more or less correct.]

Have you ever heard of such a book?
Do you have any idea what the author and title of that book could be?

If you don't have a clue, please don't waste time trying to figure it out. Just be entertained at getting such an off-the-wall question.

Guillermo Parra said...

Hi Boludo,

Fascinating question! I definitely have no clue about that book.

Boludo Tejano said...

Guillermo, it turns out that a search engine provided the answer. When I put “quechua etruscan” into Bing, I got Ancient Mysteries Explained: Mysteries of the First Language in the first five hits. It discussed a number works that posited a connection between the Quechua-and the Estruscans, including this one:

Natalia Rossi de Tariffi, to this day we consider this Philological investigation the most expertised, deep and coherent, with respect to locating the mysterious cradle of the Etruscans in her work published in 1969, 'America cuarta dimension, los etruscos salieron de los Andes' ( America fourth dimension, the Etruscans left from the Andes').

That has to be the book I read in Venezuela. For further verification of the Venezuelan origin of the author, according to –Wikipedia, Natalia Rossi de Tariffi was a native of Valera.

Regarding how valid these speculations are, I have no idea.