
Añicos / Juan Calzadilla


* What is considered perfect cannot be accomplished. What is considered erroneous can be happily completed as long as it’s owned as authentic. The first is the reason for poets. The second, for the powerful.

* Literary fiction commits a double arbitrariness: that of invention itself and the arbitrariness with which it imitates what is essentially arbitrary: reality.

* In literature the invention of realities turns out to be a verbal construction. What’s done that way is only so to the degree that literature can be understood as reality.
There is no escape.

* The subversive poet. How can you be a poet without taking your irreverence everywhere? That’s how society thinks of him. And that’s why it denies him the right to speak.

* (Pessoa) The drama of whoever believes in writing is that he doesn’t believe in anything else. He doesn’t have God, he doesn’t have company. He has no day or night. He has his writing.

* Consider also that the price of poetry includes a certain quota of madness for which the poet must pay with the momentary or permanent derangement of the senses.

{ Juan Calzadilla, Libro de las poéticas, Fundación Editorial el Perro y la Rana, 2006 }

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