
Me estoy buscando en sitios de otros tiempos / Antonia Palacios

I’m Looking for Myself in Places from Other Times

I’m looking for myself in places from other times. Walking amid spaces where silence once passed through. I’m tracing the path of the dull trail my feet left in nights of oblivion. There is a changing light. A sky that hides while stretched out and floating. Distant is the earth that serves as my support. I seek it in the inclemency, in the special sadness of the disappeared days that continued their descent without knowing the destination. I don’t know who I am anymore. I lavish myself tracking the memories that are scattered everywhere. My hand is another hand, my arms and neck happen on someone else’s body. I am that unknown woman who was suddenly shut down in her own shadows.

Hondo temblor de lo secreto (1979-1980)

{ Antonia Palacios, Ficciones y aflicciones, Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1989 }

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