
Una invisible oscuridad me sombra / Antonia Palacios

An Invisible Darkness Shrouds Me

An invisible darkness shrouds me. Day by day I make myself in the light of this obscure sparkle, this absence of sonorous vibration. I am attending a dissipated form, the space closing itself and here where I settle gradually loses its nascent light. The movement of my body escapes through the air. It will be still eventually, rooted in the depths, drinking a barely abandoned sip, exhausted sip the bodies left waiting. Maybe it’ll dream of touching a living being, wounded heart. Maybe it’ll dream it flies and decipher in the air the secret of the wind.

Hondo temblor de lo secreto (1979-1980)

{ Antonia Palacios, Ficciones y aflicciones, Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1989 }

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