
Anochecer en un bar / Guillermo Sucre

Nightfall in a bar

Nightfall in a bar, closed, actually in the shadows, somehow oceanic, surrounded by all the colored bottles, half-glimpsed faces, voices, maybe some music, and the navigation of the senses and memories begins. To perceive (touch?) a naked body in a room with drawn curtains, and outside it’s summer, the sun is at its zenith or already declining, the ivy creeps, covers the walls, and inside (it’s a mansard) everything breathes a warm freshness, the shade and humidity of ferns (of a patio from my childhood). Experiences, not figures.

La vastedad (1988)

{ Guillermo Sucre, Conversación con la intemperie. Seis poetas venezolanos, selección y prólogo de Gustavo Guerrero, Barcelona, España: Galaxia Gutenberg/Círculo de Lectores, 2008 }

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